Thursday, February 28, 2008

Athletic Trainers vs. Trainers

Athletic trainers affiliated with the National Athletic Training Association (NATA) are distancing themselves from Brian McNamee, who has admitted to injecting Roger Clemens with HGH:
The guy who works with boxers is referred to as a trainer, and though he trains boxers, per se, he's a far cry from an athletic trainer who is focused on injury management and injury prevention. We have medical backgrounds and training. And we know the limits of what we can do. We can evaluate and treat an injury, but we never give injections, and we do not prescribe medicine."

Sheridan, 38, first heard the word trainer while watching the 1976 movie Rocky as a youngster. "Did Mick know how to prepare Rocky for the fight? Yes," Sheridan said. "But did Mick know if Rocky had a concussion? Did he know how to evaluate it and treat it? No. But that wasn't his concern. His concern was to prepare Rocky to fight, not medically manage him."
I can imagine a scene in the politically correct version of Rocky 2012:

Rocky Jr.: "I can't think out there Mick, I see double, the lights bother me, I have a headache"

Mick Jr.: "What month is it? Snap out of it Rock! What's the date, the day, the year? Tell me the damned months in reverse order Rock!