Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Today's Tri-fecta

Living in the Philadelphia area, I sill receive the Inquirer. Surprise, surprise to see the following articles in one Sports page:

1) Ian Laperriere is out for the year with post-concussion syndrome:
Laperriere, 36, has been dealing with post-concussion symptoms since last season... "I thought the summer would take care of it," Laperriere said. "I had some headaches here and there. But I would always find reasons - like, well, it's probably because I was dehydrated or because I worked out too hard today or I'm tired....It was always a reason. But I had to come down to [the fact that] it wasn't all those reasons."

2) Chris Nowinski's work on steps to protect kids from the effects of repetitive concussion:
"The NFL has made enormous changes," Nowinski said. "The biggest things they've done have been with youth policy and the example they're trying to set, the fact they've done public service announcements, the educational posters they'd put up, telling players to not go back in [after suffering a concussion], report it. That's been amazing."

...Nowinski isn't looking to ban contact sports. He only wants restrictions on the contact.

"One hundred percent, tomorrow, if you stop kids from getting hit in the head over and over"

3). New legislation in Pennsylvania on concussion management for kids:
The Pennsylvania House on Tuesday passed the Safety In Youth Sports Act, which calls for Pennsylvania high school or junior high school athletes who suffer a concussion or brain injury to be cleared by a medical professional trained in concussion management before returning to the sport.

...the legislation would require athletes and their parents or guardians to sign a concussion and head-injury information sheet before participating in a sport. It also would require coaches to complete a concussion certification course.